The Sonoran desert is the second driest desert, with rainfall 1ce every few months.

In every desert, animals do appear, and when they do, they are either migrating, or struggling to try and find food and water.

Every animal and plant in any desert is dominated by continuous changes from one season to another, wet and dry, so that means that every animal that lives in these dry plains are alway in a constant move to find food and water, including Grazers.

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The 2 driest ones in the world!

The Sahara desert is the biggest desert in the world, it is the size of the United States, but some people think that the Sahara is also the driest. Infact it isn't, the driest desert in the world is the Atacama desert, it's in south africa. But even there life exist, some places will never see rain for 50 years, there are camels that live there, the question is, where do they get their water?

They get it from cactus, but where do the cactus get their water from?

They get it from the sea, the water gets evaporated and then the mist gets pushed in by the wind and then the cactus absorb it like a spunge.
In the Atacama, it is extremely dry, but every few years, the weather changes to a different mode for a year, these are called El Nino's, the last one happened in 1996-1997, England has suffered from a few droughts because of El Nino years, Australia, because it is extremely dry, an El Nino year is very special for the animals over there, cool water starts to move around the globe and Australia is one of the deserts that gets a lot of rain in these years.