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The wierdest!


duck-billed platypus

Today's Specials

The Duck-billed Platypus is one of the 2 mammals that lay eggs,
The Echidna is the other egg-laying mammals. I can't remember the scientific name for these animals.

Respect for all living things.

People think that an excuse for treating non-European animals like Canadian geese are often hated or very few times killed. People think that they shouldn't be here and use this as a excuse, this does NOT give a good reason, killing things like Muntjack, Canadian geese, Rabbits or squirrels is always wrong, No matter how good the excuse is.

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There are different types of flying, Gliding, and wing beating. Gliders have longger and more narrower wings than smaller, round winged birds with whirring wing-beats. On some small, faster moving birds, their wing-shape is very little used, so you cannot see their wings much, but on bigger birds, slower wing-beats allow a better view.